Tuesday, December 8, 2009
inspiration book
I really found so many of the books to be inspiring, but I loved david's book because it had a big range of pictures and it was from all points of views. I loved cathy's book too, because you could look at it and relate to where she was and I loved it for that reason. everyone did such a good job with their books and all the hard work really paid off!!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ideas for a later date................

I really couldn't fit in half of the photos that I had taken, but I am looking to add more images to my camp pendleton book and the start a new theme for a new book. I really like having a physical item in my hand after all the hard work, instead of paper that I will never read again and neither will anyone else. Photos are always relevant and so I am thinking for my next book, I will do some photographs on either the topic of nature that is meshed with construction, buildings, or man made items or I willl do a book on the the trash that always see lying around or caught up in weird places such as the photo with the paaper stuck in the barbwire fence above. Either way, this blog is done for now and i'm on to a new book and WAY more to learn about photography!
Ordover Gallery/Solana beach

Iwent to the Ordover Gallery in Solana beach and it was artists that did fine art and there were so many artists displayed. I loved to see all the artwork. Usually I am used to seeing more work such as the when I go to the museum of contemporary art in La Jolla because of the contemporary art installations, but I really also enjoy looking at other people's photography because it just gives me different angles, lighting and perspectives to think about when I am out photographing things. This semester has been my first ever taking photos and I think I have so much to learn and at this point, other people's work really inspires me and makes me want to try ideas and techinques that they have mastered. I have so much to learn, but I think going to these museums and just experiencing different viewpoints on what photography can look like is something that I think every person just learning should really consider doing. one of my favorite was one of them called gasoline by abe ordover. I love this concept because it reminded me of past experiences as a child when I saw oil, gasoline, or substances that didn't mix right and you could see all the colors and it intrigued me then and it still is a pretty sight to see. It's like he's captured a rainbow in water with the effects in his work. I don't know if he put filters on his work or not, but I love the way the colors are brilliant. Besides that, this gallery was smaller than expected, but great in it's own way. ( I still like the musuems in Balboa park....WAY more ) The other picture shown is also by abe Ordover is one of his that is of lake powell.
Underneath the bridge. Camp pendleton/San Onofre

This picture, I added to my book because it's one of my favorites. I love the way I found the rope just laying across the layers and layers of bridge. I used a posterization filter to really bring a different look to the wood out and I played with all the colors. I really love the vibrance of this photo and I wish I knew exactly how to make some of my photos look like this one. I'm still learning so much about photoshop, so it's a different outcome everytime, with every new picture that I am faced with editing.
Jo Whaley/Musuem of photographic art

Book photo
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